Saturday, May 18, 2013

UPDATE on Day 68 - Give a homeless person a clean blanket.

As mentioned previously in my former deed, to give a homeless person a blanket; I signed up and was to attend an orientation for Miami Dade Rescue to feed and interact with the homeless individuals of South Florida.

When I initially signed up with the Miami Rescue Mission I really had no idea about the organization; the sole reason I chose them was because they are one of the biggest shelters in Miami, Florida that feed and take in any homeless person off of the street. Now for those of you who are wondering why I had to attend an orientation in the first place in order to feed the homeless, it’s because now a days organizations like to go over policies and guidelines of what you should wear when working with them as well as explain what to do in case of an emergency or with a particular situation.

Upon attending orientation today I learned a lot about this particular organization and how truly remarkable they are. The organization is a non-profit, faith-based group focused on ministry to the homeless and needy in South Florida with a slogan of "No One is Homeless"; it was founded in 1922 by a Christian couple whose goal was to feed as many hungry stomachs as possible. Now don't let the faith based part make you stray, they welcome anyone with helping hands of any faith or no faith at all.

Last year they provided over 343,286 bed nights and served nearly 859,883 meals to the homeless men, women and children of South Florida.

I originally began this deed so that I could give a homeless person a clean blanket; but this one deed has opened my eyes more than I could have ever imagined and moved me in so many ways. I am currently awaiting my background check because not only would I like to feed the homeless but I've decided I want to work with women and their children during specialty events such as birthday parties, self-esteem classes, career and hygiene workshops, etc.

I will also be getting involved with 'Operation Hope Tote' which is a drive they are currently having to fill as many little hope tote's as possible for the homeless. A Hope Tote is a small purple bag that can be filled with inexpensive, simple day to day items we take advantage of such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, soap or body wash, shampoo, deodorant, wash cloths, disposable razors, underwear, etc. These tote's are made to make the person feel better so that they can hopefully make better changes for themselves – such as getting involved with their education, work training, recovery and spiritual guidance.

If you are in the Miami or Broward area I urge you to get involved with this wonderful organization; not only will it change your life, but it will also, hopefully, change someone else’s life; like the men in the below video who graduated thanks to the Miami Rescue Mission. In addition, if you would like to donate or get involved with Operation Hope Tote, you can contact Melissa Singh, via-email at or via-telephone at (305) 572-2002; I will also be picking up items for donation so comment below and I would be more than happy to pick up anything you are willing to contribute.  

You also be a part of their Meal(s)-A-Month-Club by donating $2.00 a month. For as little as $2.00 you can provide a hot meal to the homeless and hungry; that's only $24.00 a year. For that small amount you're providing meals during the year for those that are in great need and who thanks to your help, might turn around their life, like so many have already done.  If you really think about it, in today’s society $24.00 doesn’t make a significant difference on your pocket book, but you’ll be making a big difference in someone’s life!!!

"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." Mother Teresa♥

1 comment:

  1. The best initiative has been taken up by you.
    It restores my faith in humanity.
    You're going a great deed,and that means you'll conquer.
    All the best with your endeavor. Take Care :)
